Thursday, December 14, 2006

curl of friendship MUST equal to zero. (inspired by Maxwell)

weird! "he didn't want to be surrounded by people, but he didn't want to be on his own too!"

that's how i've been lately because a couple of days ago, a "friend" of mine simply said: "Forget all about me!" ...i was like..."ok!!!! (confused) but what did i do wrong?"...she said:"oh nothing, i was fooled by lots of things, i thought they were in a way and turned out in another way...everything was wrong from the beginning....i'm speaking in general and not specifying anything."!!!!!!! and she walked away to her lecture!

well, that's mature!!! why go round and round??? if u have something to say,just say it! don't confuse people!

but i'm not bothering to think of the reason anymore. i've got enough to keep me busy and give me a good headache without this child play! if u ever feel like saying why, i'll be glad to listen and make it right. if not, then... what the heck :)