Saturday, June 03, 2006

Some (noise) pleez!

It's 15 minutes till midnight. I have two big exams back-to back tomorrow (circuits and numerical methods). I decided to take 5, and look around me.

The washing machine is running, T.V is on (on mbc 3), my brother's favourite channel, and I'm studying on the PC, which is in the same room as the TV, plus i have music turned on!
I never studied with the TV or music, I didn't want to feel guilty. I must fully concentrate on what I'm studying, no other disturbance is allowed. Now,The rule is broken. I guess I'm missing all the noise my little brothers used to do. they used to run around, move a lot, make strange voices when playing on PS, play football or basketball in their room, break into my room to tell me a joke, or that there's smthg on TV I like, or what happened in school, or just to annoy me.. which drove me mad but ,ade me happy all the while, and kept me alert! I would come out of my room shouting on them to stop it. now it's too damn quite here that I get sleepy when I sit to study, and the heat these days is making everything worse.
lately I found out that many people, who are much smarter than me, study with TV on, so I thought i'd give it a try, and HEY, IT WORKED! I feel that I'm concentrating much better,i'm not sleepy, And NO GUILTY FEELING!


At 6/08/2006 11:12:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your exams went well.

I’m not sure why, but I also feel the need to turn on the TV when I study. I got used to this after I moved away and had to study with no one else in the house. I leave the TV on because it keeps me from talking to myself. And because, especially at night, every little sound (Refrigerator, me breathing, a car horn, wind and trees) becomes a distraction. I even noticed the sound my neck makes when I turn my head!

Plus, the occasional good song is motivating to stay awake and study longer.


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